Highly parallel identification of essential genes in cancer cells

Luo B, Cheung HW, Subramanian A, Sharifnia T, Okamoto M, Yang X, Hinkle G, Boehm JS, Beroukhim R, Weir BA, et al. Highly parallel identification of essential genes in cancer cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008;105:20380–5.


Luo, BiaoCheung, Hiu WingSubramanian, AravindSharifnia, TanazOkamoto, MichaelYang, XiaopingHinkle, GregBoehm, Jesse SBeroukhim, RameenWeir, Barbara AMermel, CraigBarbie, David AAwad, TarifZhou, XiaochuanNguyen, TuyenPiqani, BrunoLi, ChengGolub, Todd RMeyerson, MatthewHacohen, NirHahn, William CLander, Eric SSabatini, David MRoot, David EengR01 CA129105-02/CA/NCI NIH HHS/T32 GM007753/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/T32 CA009172/CA/NCI NIH HHS/Howard Hughes Medical Institute/R01 CA129105/CA/NCI NIH HHS/Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tProc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Dec 23;105(51):20380-5. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0810485105. Epub 2008 Dec 17.


More complete knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer will improve prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Efforts such as The Cancer Genome Atlas are systematically characterizing the structural basis of cancer, by identifying the genomic mutations associated with each cancer type. A powerful complementary approach is to systematically characterize the functional basis of cancer, by identifying the genes essential for growth and related phenotypes in different cancer cells. Such information would be particularly valuable for identifying potential drug targets. Here, we report the development of an efficient, robust approach to perform genome-scale pooled shRNA screens for both positive and negative selection and its application to systematically identify cell essential genes in 12 cancer cell lines. By integrating these functional data with comprehensive genetic analyses of primary human tumors, we identified known and putative oncogenes such as EGFR, KRAS, MYC, BCR-ABL, MYB, CRKL, and CDK4 that are essential for cancer cell proliferation and also altered in human cancers. We further used this approach to identify genes involved in the response of cancer cells to tumoricidal agents and found 4 genes required for the response of CML cells to imatinib treatment: PTPN1, NF1, SMARCB1, and SMARCE1, and 5 regulators of the response to FAS activation, FAS, FADD, CASP8, ARID1A and CBX1. Broad application of this highly parallel genetic screening strategy will not only facilitate the rapid identification of genes that drive the malignant state and its response to therapeutics but will also enable the discovery of genes that participate in any biological process.
Last updated on 02/17/2021