Correction Synthetic Lethal Interaction between the ESCRTParalog Enzymes VPS4A and VPS4B in CancersHarboring Loss of Chromosome 18q or 16q

Neggers JE, Paolella BR, Asfaw A, Rothberg MV, Skipper TA, Yang A, Kalekar RL, Krill-Burger JM, Dharia NV, Kugener G, et al. Correction Synthetic Lethal Interaction between the ESCRTParalog Enzymes VPS4A and VPS4B in CancersHarboring Loss of Chromosome 18q or 16q. 2020. p. 109367.


n the originally published version of this paper, the CHMP4B sgRNA sequence listed in the STAR Methods section was incorrect. Theincorrect sequence was 50-TCGATGGCACAAGCCATGAA, which is an sgRNA designed to targetCHMP2A. The correctCHMP4B-targeting sgRNA sequence that was used in the experiments for this paper is 50- TATCAACCATCGAGTTCCAG. This change does notaffect the data or conclusions of the study and now appears in the paper online.

The authors apologize for any inconvenience this error may have caused.

Last updated on 08/02/2021