Neggers JE, Paolella BR, Asfaw A, Rothberg MV, Skipper TA, Yang A, Kalekar RL, Krill-Burger JM, Dharia NV, Kugener G, et al. Correction Synthetic Lethal Interaction between the ESCRTParalog Enzymes VPS4A and VPS4B in CancersHarboring Loss of Chromosome 18q or 16q. 2020. p. 109367.
n the originally published version of this paper, the CHMP4B sgRNA sequence listed in the STAR Methods section was incorrect. Theincorrect sequence was 50-TCGATGGCACAAGCCATGAA, which is an sgRNA designed to targetCHMP2A. The correctCHMP4B-targeting sgRNA sequence that was used in the experiments for this paper is 50- TATCAACCATCGAGTTCCAG. This change does notaffect the data or conclusions of the study and now appears in the paper online.
The authors apologize for any inconvenience this error may have caused.